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How to Make Compost From Start to Finish-Quick & Easy /Complete Guide with Digital Table of Cont

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publicado em 04/17/24 / Dentro

Here’s a complete guide on how to make compost from start to finish - quick and easy! Compost is one of the most powerful nutrients to feed your garden and grow lots of veggies! I’ve put together several of my composting videos into this complete guide - everything you need to know in one place. It covers every step of composting from building a DIY bin, using a compost sack, making a hot compost pile, using compost in the garden, having a continuous supply, using grass clippings, food scraps and leaves to make compost and making compost tea.

MY BOOK: Organic Gardening for Everyone: Homegrown Vegetables Made Easy - Signed, personalized copies available at https://calikimgardenandhome.c....om/books/organic-gar
CaliKim Seed Collections and CaliKim Smart Pots: https://calikimgardenandhome.com
Good Dirt Indoor Potting Mix: http://good-dirt.com 10% off with code “calikim10”
Smart Pots containers (excluding CK Smart Pots): 10% off w/ code “calikim” at https://smartpots.com
Vermisterra Worm Castings, Worm Tea: 10% off w/ code “calikim” at https://vermisterra.com

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases:
Compost thermometer: https://amzn.to/2RiQQiJ
Raised Bed Drip Irrigation Kit: https://amzn.to/30jSLYq
Amazon search page: https://amzn.to/3897OqD
Seed starting supplies: https://amzn.to/30kbmDG
Garden fertilizers:https://amzn.to/2uQkhBh
Garden disease and pest control: https://amzn.to/2FMw6L7
Grow Lights: https://amzn.to/2NlY5FB
Garden Tools: https://amzn.to/2RiwRRq
Amazon lawn & garden supplies: https://amzn.to/30kFe2Z

Digital table of contents:
Section 1: DIY Compost Bin - How to Build
1:44 Supplies needed
2:19 Ideal size
2:46 Building the bin
5:54 Making the door to the bin

Section 2: DIY Compost Bin - How to Make an Easy Hot Compost Pile in a DIY Bin
8:19 Compost materials
8:31 Building the pile
10:37 Ratio of browns to greens
11:42 Ideal moisture for a compost pile
12:07 How to water a compost pile
12:28 How to get your pile big enough so it gets hot
13:00 Covering the pile

Section 3: DIY Compost Bin - Hot Compost - Temperature, Moisture, Turning the Pile
14:06 Why cover the pile?
14:36 How to check the temperature - 2 ways
15:17 It’s HOT!
15:48 How to check the pile for moisture
16:37 How to turn the pile
16:48 Will my pile self-combust or get too hot?
17:23 How to add water if your pile is too dry
18:05 What to do if my pile is not getting hot?

Section 4: Compost Sack - How to Make an Easy Hot Compost Pile in a Fabric Compost Sack
18:56 Key to a productive garden
19:33 What is compost, why use it?
20:37 Compost sack
21:00 Compost materials
21:09 How to layer and water compost materials
22:55 Browns and greens, what they are and ideal ratio
23:14 Coffee grounds to heat they pile up and where to get for free
24:59 How to monitor heat
25:15 Why and how to cover the pile
25:53 Why hot compost and how long does it take to break down?
26:10 It’s steaming HOT - checking the pile
26:57 What to do if it’s not hot or too wet?
27:13 Difference between hot compost and cold compost
27:26 How to tell when compost is finished
27:37 How to use compost to fertilize you garden

Section 5 - Compost Sack - Hot Compost: Turning Your Pile & Having a Continual Supply
28:55 How to have a continual supply - 3 stages of compost
31:28 Checking the temperature in the compost sack
31:46 How to turn the pile in a compost sack

Section 6 - Composting with Leaves - How to Make Compost in the Winter Using the Sun, Leaves and a Black Garbage Bag
34:07 Why use leaves?
34:41 How to shred the leaves
34:06 Composting in the winter - yes you can!
35:30 Using a black garbage bag
36:15 Adding water
37:00 Putting garbage bag in sun

Section 7 - Composting with Grass Clippings - How to Make a Hot Compost Pile with Grass Clippings
38:30 What does finished compost look like?
38:47 Moving finished compost into a new bin
39:47 Materials needed
40:35 Layering the materials
43:44 Ideal moisture
46:55 How to get the pile as high as possible - ideal height
49:45 How to monitor the heat

Section 8 - Composting with Grass Clippings - Hot or Not?

Section 9 - Benefits of Hot Composting
52:15 It’s HOT - steaming!
53:06 Benefits of hot compost vs cold compost

Section 10 - How to Make Compost Tea - Quick, Easy and FREE!
53:58 Why compost tea?
54:18 5 reasons to use compost tea
55:03 How to make compost tea
56:21 How to water with compost tea

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FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: calikim@calikimgardenandhome.com

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