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Tesla Semi BIG Upgrade! Elon Musk Announces HUGE Sale For ALL Customer, Mass Produce, Shock Price!

Published on 05/02/24 / In News

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Tesla Semi BIG Upgrade! Elon Musk Announces HUGE Sale For ALL Customer, Mass Produce, Shock Price!
00:00 Intro
07:28 Why is Tesla Semi always a money-making machine?
Tesla Semi BIG Upgrade! Elon Musk Announces HUGE Sale For ALL Customer, Mass Produce, Shock Price! A lot of updates for the Tesla Semi were announced during the Q1 2024 Tesla earnings call, the craziest thing is that this big rig will be sold to external customers for a price that could be $300,000, don't forget it will save up to up to $200,000 in the first three years in energy costs compared to diesel trucks.
Tesla Semi BIG Upgrade! Elon Musk Announces HUGE Sale For ALL Customer, Mass Produce, Shock Price! Not stopping there, during this time Tesla is completing engineering for Semi after collecting feedback from Pepsico drivers to soon improve the performance and experience for the new upgraded version.
Tesla Semi BIG Upgrade! Elon Musk Announces HUGE Sale For ALL Customer, Mass Produce, Shock Price! All will be revealed now.

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Httraj 10 months ago

Seems a bit of a struggle
100 miles on heavy loads umm 50 miles only one way. What’s your take at $300k?

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