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The Heartbreaking Murder of Matthew Shepard | Murdered at First Sight

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Được xuất bản trên 05/03/24 / Trong Phim & Hoạt hình


Matthew Shepard accepts a ride home from two strangers he's been chatting with in a bar in Laramie, Wyoming. When he's found the next day, Matthew is covered in blood and soon after, national outrage is sparked.

Nearly 25 years later, the tragic killing of Matthew Shepard still resonates. Were you familiar with Matthew Shepard or The Laramie Project before this episode? Share your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to like and subscribe for more episodes.

Murdered At First Sight is a true crime documentary series that tells the first-hand stories of the most complex and hard-to-solve homicide cases: murders committed by strangers.

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