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SPECTACULAR SOAP FILMS - ENGLISH - Simple materials, Astounding Experiment!

Published on 02/25/23 / In Film & Animation

Cut several plastic bottles about 10-cms from the opening. These bottles must have different slopes. Now dip a cut bottle end into soap solution. A film will be formed on the mouth and will travel towards the mouth. The speed of travel of the film depends on the slant. The more the slant of the bottle the more is the speed of travel of the soap film. This experiment is based on surface tension.
http://arvindguptatoys.com/toy....s/Spectacularsoapfil This work was supported by IUCAA and Tata Trust. This film was made by Ashok Rupner TATA Trust: Education is one of the key focus areas for Tata Trusts, aiming towards enabling access of quality education to the underprivileged population in India. To facilitate quality in teaching and learning of Science education through workshops, capacity building and resource creation, Tata Trusts have been supporting Muktangan Vigyan Shodhika (MVS), IUCAA's Children’s Science Centre, since inception. To know more about other initiatives of Tata Trusts, please visit www.tatatrusts.org

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