WHEN THE COUNTRY’S GONE (Official Music Video)
For music please visit https://brettmcfarlandmusic.com/
To learn about the largest dam removal and indigenous led salmon river restoration project in world history check out this documentary about Klamath titled Undammed: https://youtu.be/PoZKMtqK8u4
To learn what the Yurok Tribe has to say about offshore wind please visit:
https://ancientforestalliance.org/ provided footage of clear cut forests. I am sincerely grateful for their contributions to this video and the work they are doing to protect old growth forests.
Betty Chin is doing some of the most important work in the world: https://bettychinn.org/how-to-help/donations/
Production Credits:
Matt Saint Charles: Chief Badass, Camera Superman and Video Extraordinaire
Stephen Winterroth: Co- Producer, Creative Genius
Big thanks the Humboldt Fleet of Commercial Fisherman. D Ray you’re the man!!
#musicvideo #countrymusic #newmusic