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Start Raising Cattle, the basic info needed to get your first cow!

Published on 03/11/25 / In Homestead & Agriculture

We cover the basics of cattle farming in this video. Cattle Farming 101 if you will.

Selecting the right cow video


Thanks for watching the Strong Roots Farm. We are a small regenerative farm in Southern Ohio, raising Grassfed Beef, and Pasture Raised Pork, and Eggs. We are a profitable farm that strives to produce the highest quality of meat to our customers, and although we are focused on quality production on our farm we have a Homestead feel compared to the rest of our Big Ag community. Our Channel is focused on providing education through our experience to small farmers and homesteaders in order to build a strong sustainable community with Faith, Family, and Farming as the focus.

We are not full-time farmers. My wife, Jenny teaches 4th grade math at our local elementary school, and I'm an Industrial Engineer working at a near by production facility. We have 3 young boys and are all firm believers in Jesus Christ. I am a US Army Veteran who served 2 tours in Iraq. Together as a family we are extremely grateful that you have chosen to spend time with us by watching and commenting on our videos. Please let us know if we can help you on your journey in any way.

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