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How to Finish a Basement From Start to Finish! (DIY Basement Renovation and Remodeling Guide)

9 ビュー
に公開 02/28/24 / の ハウツーとスタイル

This video shows the entire process of renovating a basement (framing the basement walls, installing electrical, installing drywall, installing LVP flooring, etc.). This basement remodel took me nearly two months to complete since I was doing all of the work myself on nights and weekends. Although renovating the basement was a lot of work, I learned a lot of DIY and home renovation skills process of finishing my basement. I share all of my knowledge and lessons learned during the basement finishing process with you in this video!This basement renovation started with demolishing the existing walls, drywall, etc. Next, I installed rigid foam insulation on the exterior walls of the basement. Rigid foam insulation is waterproof and a great option for basement exterior wall insulation. To install the basement walls, I framed them using 2"x4" lumber. I used pressure treated lumber for the bottom plate for the basement walls. Basement insulation consisted of batt insulation in the walls and sound proofing insulation in the ceiling to reduce the sounds of footsteps above. I installed drywall in the basement and then finished it using joint compound and drywall tape. Finishing the drywall was my least favorite part of the entire basement remodel. Next, I installed Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring on the basement floor. LVP is a great flooding option for basements since it is waterproof, durable, and easy to install. Instead of installing drywall on my basement ceiling, I decided to install a drop ceiling. The basement drop ceiling installation was a bit involved, but I wanted to install it since it would allow for access to the plumbing and electrical cable in the ceiling. To complete the basement remodel, I painted the basement walls and installed trim around each basement room. Let me know what you think of the final result!

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